Common Side Effects of Using a BiPAP Machine

When most people think of an artificial respiratory device, they imagine a mask worn continuously for hours on end. In truth, the benefits of using a BiPAP machine far outweigh this traditional vision. A BiPAP machine works by producing positive pressure inside the wearer’s lungs to aid in getting enough oxygen into their bloodstream. This helps keep them breathing more efficiently and prevents them from developing lung diseases like asthma or emphysema.

A properly adjusted BiPAP machine can easily prevent these conditions altogether. While it is not necessary to use a BiPAP machine to prevent or treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), many sufferers benefit from wearing one. Let’s take a look at some common side effects associated with using a BiPAP machine:

Breathing problems

One of the side effects of using a BiPAP machine is breathing problems. Although this is less common than other side effects, it is still something to keep in mind. As the device helps to create more positive pressure in the lungs, it can cause the person wearing the mask to develop a pneumothorax, where the air gets trapped in the pleural space.


At the end of the day, sleep is essential for health. It is the body’s way of repairing itself, making repairs in the form of new cells and removing old cells. This is why sleep is the most important thing you do during the day – without it, you would not be able to function as an individual.

Unfortunately, many people who use a BiPAP machine do not get enough sleep. This can lead to extreme tiredness and an increased risk of developing conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Coughing and Hoarseness

Some people who use a BiPAP machine develop a cough that is so severe it becomes bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). This is caused by the increased amount of mucus produced by the lungs

As a result, the lungs are overworked and start to produce lots of mucus, which is then expelled through the nose or mouth. It is important to keep in mind that this effect is temporary and should pass after a few hours.

Stuffy Nose

Most people associate the presence of a nosebleed with an emergency. However, a small percentage of the population develops a stinky nose due to abnormal blood flow in the nose. This abnormal blood flow is normal in children and adolescents. It is usually the result of allergies, colds, deviated septum, or even infections. It can be treated by clearing the nose and sneezing into a paper towel or tissue.

Nasal Collapse

Sometimes, the mucus that is produced by the chest’s physiologic response to the illness will become too viscous for the airway muscles to hold together. This can occur due to inflammation, muscle weakness, or a disorder like muscular dystrophy. As a result, the mucus builds up in the nasal cavity and nasal flaps, causing sufferers to develop a restrictive nasal disease like nasal polyps.


Despite what you might have heard, using a BiPAP machine is a good thing. It is important to know the side effects of using a BiPAP machine, so you can make an informed decision based on the facts.